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  • 朗華國際集團:截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月之第一季度業績公告

    日期:2023-08-11 21:22:00
    股票名称:朗華國際集團 股票代码:08026.HK
    研报栏目:定期财报  (PDF) 1020KB

    – 1 –香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告之內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不就因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致之任何損失承擔任何責任。



    承董事會命朗華國際集團有限公司主席張春華香港,二零二三年八月十一日– 2 –於本公告日期,董事會包括以下董事:張春華先生(執行董事(主席))張春萍女士(執行董事兼首席執行官)鍾靜儀女士(執行董事)陳美恩女士(獨立非執行董事)李筠翎女士(獨立非執行董事)張衛東先生(獨立非執行董事)本公告乃遵照GEM上市規則之規定而提供有關本公司之資料,各董事願就此共同及個別承擔全部責任。




    CHARACTERISTICSOFGEMOFTHESTOCK EXCHANGEOFHONGKONGLIMITED (THE “STOCKEXCHANGE”)GEM has been positioned as a market designed to accommodate small and mid-sized companies to wh ich a h igher investment r isk may be attached than other companies listed on the Stock Exchange. Prospective investors should be aware of the potential risks of investing in such companies and should make the decision to invest only after due and careful consideration.Given that the companies listed on GEM are generally small and mid-sized companies, there is a risk that securities traded on GEM may be more susceptible to high market volatility than securities traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange and no assurance is given that there will be a liquid market in the securities traded on GEM.This report, for which the directors (the “Directors”) of China Brilliant Global Limited (the “Company”) collectively and individually accept full responsibil ity, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock Exchange (the “GEMListing Rules”) for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company. The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief the information contained in this report is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this report misleading.香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)GEM之特色GEM之定位,乃為相比起其他在聯交所上市之公司帶有較高投資風險之中小型公司提供一個上市之市場。





    2 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023HIGHLIGHTS R e v e n u e o f t h e G r o u p f o r t h e t h r e e months ended 30 June 2023 amounted to approximately HK$20,991,000, representing an increase of approximately 10.1% as compared to the corresponding period in the previous financial year. The Group’s gross profit for the three months ended 30 June 2023 was approximately HK$3,074,000, increasing by approximately HK$1,710,000 as compared with the same period of last financial year. Loss attributable to owners of the Company for the three months ended 30 June 2023 amounted to approximately HK$11,662,000 (for the three months ended 30 June 2022: HK$7,603,000). The Board does not recommend the payment of an interim dividend for the three months ended 30 June 2023.本集團截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月之收益約為20,991,000港元,較上一個財政年度同期增加約10.1%。




    摘要32023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司未經審核綜合業績本公司董事會(「董事會」)欣然宣佈,本公司及其附屬公司(「本集團」)截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月之未經審核綜合業績,連同截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月之未經審核比較數字如下:UNAUDITEDCONSOLIDATEDRESULTSThe board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Company is pleased to announce the unaudited consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) for the three months ended 30 June 2023 together with the comparative unaudited figures for the three months ended 30 June 2022 as follows:For the three months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年Notes HK$’000 HK$’000附註千港元千港元(Unaudited) (Unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Revenue收益320,99119,061Cost of sales銷售成本(17,917) (17,697) Gross profit毛利3,0741,364Selling expenses銷售開支(1) (36)Administrative expenses行政開支(18,664) (11,421)Finance costs財務費用(80) (487)Other gains and losses, net其他收益及虧損淨額(455) 167 Loss before tax除稅前虧損(16,126) (10,413)Income tax expense所得稅開支4 — — Loss for the period期內虧損(16,126) (10,413) Other comprehensive loss:其他全面虧損:Item that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:其後可能重新分類至損益之項目:Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations換算海外業務產生之匯兌差額(419) (490) Total comprehensive loss for the period期內全面虧損總額(16,545) (10,903) 4 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023For the three months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年Notes HK$’000 HK$’000附註千港元千港元(Unaudited) (Unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Loss for the period attributable to:應佔期內虧損:— Owners of the Company —本公司擁有人(11,662) (7,603)— Non-controlling interests —非控股權益(4,464) (2,810) (16,126) (10,413) Total comprehensive loss for the period attributable to:應佔期內全面虧損總額:— Owners of the Company —本公司擁有人(12,142) (8,093)— Non-controlling interests —非控股權益(4,403) (2,810) (16,545) (10,903) Loss per share每股虧損Basic and diluted基本及攤薄5 HK(0.80)cents港仙HK(0.52) cents港仙 52023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司附註:1.組織及主要業務本公司為一間於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司。

    其註冊辦事處地址為Century Yard, Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, the Cayman Islands。












    Notes:1. ORGANISATIONANDPRINCIPALACTIVITYThe Company is a limited liability company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The address of its registered office is Century Yard, Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, the Cayman Islands. The address of its principal place of business in Hong Kong is Flat B,9/F.,9 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong. The Company’s shares are listed on GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are trading of gold and jewellery products, money lending and fintech business.2. BASISOFPREPARATIONThe Group’s unaudited consolidated results have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Cer tif ied Public Accountants and accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong. In addition, the unaudited consolidated results include applicable disclosures required by the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities of GEM of the Stock Exchange (the “GEMListing Rules”). The measurement basis used in the preparation of the unaudited consolidated results is the historical cost convention, except for certain financial instruments which have been measured at fair value at the end of the reporting period. These unaudited consolidated results are presented in Hong Kong dollar which is also the functional currency of the Company and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand except when otherwise indicated. The Group’s major subsidiaries are operated in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and Republic of Kazakhstan (“Kazakhstan”) with Renminbi (“RMB”) and United States dollar (“US$”) as their functional currency.The accounting policies applied in the preparation of the unaudited consolidated results are consistent with those adopted in the preparation of the annual consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2023, except that the Group has adopted a number of new and amendments to HKFRSs, which are newly effective for the period under review. The adoption of these new and amendments to HKFRSs had no change in significant accounting policies and no significant effect on the financial results of the current period. There is no prior period adjustment required.6 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 20232.編製基準(續)於編製該等未經審核綜合業績時,本集團並無應用或提早採納與本集團有關之已頒佈但尚未生效之新訂及經修訂香港財務報告準則。








    本集團之經營及可呈報分部詳情如下:黃金及珠寶業務借貸業務金融科技業務2. BASISOFPREPARATION (Continued)The Group has not applied or early adopted the new and amendments to HKFRSs which are relevant to the Group that have been issued but not yet effective in the preparation of these unaudited consolidated results. The Group is currently assessing the impact of these new and amendments to HKFRSs upon their initial application but is not yet in a position to state whether they would have a significant impact on its results of operations and financial position. It is anticipated that all of the pronouncements relevant to the Group will be adopted in the Group’s accounting policy in the accounting periods when they first become effective.The unaudited consolidated results have been reviewed by the audit committee of the Company (“Audit Committee”).3. REVENUEANDSEGMENTALINFORMATIONRevenue represents the net invoiced value of goods sold and services rendered during the period under review.The Group’s operating activities are currently attributable to three operating segments focusing on trading of gold and jewellery (“Gold and Jewellery Business”), money lending (“Lending Business”) and f intech business (“Fintech Business”). These operating segments have been identified on the basis of internal management reports prepared in accordance with accounting policies conformed to HKFRSs, that are regularly reviewed by the executive directors (the “Executive Directors”) (being the chief operating decision makers of the Company). The Executive Directors review the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources. The details of operating and reportable segments of the Group are as follows: Gold and Jewellery Business Lending Business Fintech Business72023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司3.收益及分部資料(續)本集團持續經營之收益及業績分析如下:分部(虧損)╱溢利指各分部(產生之虧損)╱賺取之溢利,惟並無分配中央行政成本、若干其他收益及虧損淨額、其他開支、財務成本及根據預期信貸虧損模式確認之若干減值虧損(扣除撥回)(並無計入分部業績)。


    3. REVENUEANDSEGMENTALINFORMATION (Continued)The following is an analysis of the Group’s revenue and results from operations:For the three months ended 30 June 2023Gold and JewelleryBusinessLending BusinessFintechBusiness Consolidation截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月黃金及珠寶業務借貸業務金融科技業務合計HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元REVENUE收益External sales外部銷售18,2952932,40320,991 RESULTS業績Segment results分部業績(25) 202 (13,393) (13,216)Unallocated income未分配收入—Unallocated expenses未分配開支(2,830)Finance costs財務費用(80) Loss before tax除稅前虧損(16,126)For the three months ended 30 June 2022Gold and Jewellery BusinessLending BusinessFintech Business Consolidation截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月黃金及珠寶業務借貸業務金融科技業務合計HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元REVENUE收益External sales外部銷售17,93564747919,061 RESULTS業績Segment results分部業績93556 (8,346) (7,697)Unallocated income未分配收入88Unallocated expenses未分配開支(2,317)Finance costs財務費用(487) Loss before tax除稅前虧損(10,413)Segment (loss)/profit represents the (loss suffered)/profit earned from each segment without allocation of central administrative costs, certain other gains and losses, net, other expenses, finance costs and certain impairment losses recognised under expected credit losses model, net of reversal which not included in segment results. This is the measure reported to the Group’s management for the purposes of resource allocation and performance assessment.8 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 20234.所得稅開支於二零一八年三月二十一日,香港立法會通過《二零一七年稅務(修訂)(第7號)條例草案》(「條例草案」),引入利得稅兩級制。










    4. INCOMETAXEXPENSEOn 21 March 2018, the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed The Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No.7) Bill 2017 (the “Bill”) which introduces the two-tiered profits tax rates regime. The Bill was signed into law on 28 March 2018 and was gazetted on the following day. Under the two-tiered profits tax rates regime, the first HK$2 million of profits of the qualifying group entity will be taxed at 8.25%, and profits above HK$2 million will be taxed at 16.5%. The profits of group entities not qualifying for the two-tiered profits tax rates regime of Hong Kong Profits Tax will continue to be taxed at a flat rate of 16.5%.Hong Kong profits tax has not been provided as the Group did not generate any assessable profits arising in Hong Kong for the three months ended 30 June 2023.Under the Law of the PRC on Enterprise Income Tax (the “EITLaw”) and Implementation Regulation of the EIT Law, the tax rate of the PRC subsidiaries is 25% for both periods.No provision for the PRCEnterprise Income Tax has been made for both periods as the Group has no assessable profits arising in the PRC.The subsidiary of established in the Kazakhstan is generally subject to Kazakhstan Corporate Income Tax on its taxable income at an income tax rate of 20% and assessed for a calendar year. All Kazakhstan legal entities and branches of foreign legal entities are subject to Corporate Income Tax. Until 1 January 2066, in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 6 of the Constitutional Law of the Kazakhstan “On the Astana International Financial Centre”, company is exempt from corporate income tax on income received from providing the financial services in the Astana International Financial Centre.92023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司5.每股虧損每股基本虧損金額乃根據截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月本公司擁有人應佔未經審核綜合虧損約11,662,000港元(截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月:7,603,000港元)及於回顧期內已發行普通股之加權平均數約1,457,238,414股(截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月之加權平均數:1,457,238,414股)計算。




    5. LOSSPERSHAREThe calculation of the basic loss per share amount is based on the unaudited consolidated loss for the three months ended 30 June 2023 attributable to owners of the Company of approximately HK$11,662,000 (for the three months ended 30 June 2022: HK$7,603,000), and the weighted average number of ordinary shares of approximately 1,457,238,414 (weighted average number for the three months ended 30 June 2022: 1,457,238,414) in issue during the period under review.The weighted average number of ordinary shares used are same as those described above for the calculation of basic loss per share.As the Company’s outstanding share options had an anti-dilutive effect to the basic loss per share calculation for the three months ended 30 June 2023 and 2022, the exercise of the above potential ordinary shares is not assumed in the calculation of diluted loss per share. Therefore, the diluted loss per share is same as basic loss per share.10 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 20236.儲備6. RESERVESShare premium accountForeign currency translationreserveShare option reserveCapital contribution reserveAccumulatedlosses Sub-totalNon- controlling interest Total股份溢價賬外幣滙兌儲備購股權儲備資本注入儲備累計虧損小計非控股權益總計HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元(Note a) (Note b) (Note c) (Note d)(附註a) (附註b) (附註c) (附註d)At 1 April 2023 (audited)於二零二三年年四月一日(經審核) 523,5114132,46437,793 (721,254) (127,445) 30,780 (96,665)Loss for the period (unaudited)期內虧損(未經審核) — — — — (11,662) (11,662) (4,464) (16,126)Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations (unaudited)換算海外業務之匯兌差額(未經審核) — (480) — — — (480) 61 (419)Total comprehensive loss for the period (unaudited)期內全面虧損總額(未經審核) — (480) — — (11,662) (12,142) (4,403) (16,545) At 30 June 2023 (unaudited)於二零二三年年六月三十日(未經審核) 523,511 (439) 32,46437,793 (732,916) (139,587) 26,377 (113,210)At 1 April 2022 (audited)於二零二二年年四月一日(經審核) 523,51177232,46412,328 (688,569) (119,494) 48,909 (70,585)Loss for the period (unaudited)期內虧損(未經審核) — — — — (7,603) (7,603) (2,810) (10,413)Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations (unaudited)換算海外業務之匯兌差額(未經審核) — (490) — — — (490) — (490)Total comprehensive loss for the period (unaudited)期內全面虧損總額(未經審核) — (490) — — (7,603) (8,093) (2,810) (10,903) At 30 June 2022 (unaudited)於二零二二年年六月三十日(未經審核) 523,51128232,46412,328 (696,172) (127,587) 46,099 (81,488)112023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司6.儲備(續)附註:(a)股份溢價賬根據開曼群島公司法(二零零一年修訂本),本公司之股份溢價賬可供分派予股東,惟於緊隨建議派付股息當日後,本公司須能償還於日常業務過程中到期之債務。






    6. RESERVES (Continued)Notes:(a) Share premium accountUnder the Companies Law (2001 Revision) of the Cayman Islands, the share premium account of the Company is distributable to its shareholders provided that immediately following the date on which the dividend is proposed to be distributed, the Company will be in a position to pay off its debts as they fall due in the ordinary course of business.(b) Foreign currency translation reserveForeign currency translation reserve represents exchange differences relating to the translation of the net assets of the Group’s foreign operations from their functional currencies to the Group’s presentation currency (i.e. Hong Kong dollar (“HK$”)) which are recognised directly in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve. Such exchange differences accumulated in the foreign currency translation reserve are reclassif ied to profit or loss on the disposal of the foreign operations.(c) Share option reserveThe share option reserve comprises the fair value of share options granted which are yet to be exercised. The amount will be transferred to the share premium account when the related options are exercised, and will be transferred to accumulated losses should the related options expire or be forfeited.(d) Capital contribution reserveCapital contribution reserve represents Mr. Zhang Chunhua (“Mr. Zhang”), a director and substantial shareholder of the Company, had accepted a promissory note issued by the Company with terms of promissory note in favor to the Group.12 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023中期股息董事會不建議就截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月派發中期股息(截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月:無)。





    INTERIMDIVIDENDThe Board does not recommend the payment of an interim dividend for the three months ended 30 June 2023 (for the three months ended 30 June 2022: nil).MANAGEMENTDISCUSSIONANDANALYSISFINANCIALREVIEWREVENUEThe Group’s revenue for the three months ended 30 June 2023 amounted to approximately HK$20,991,000, representing an increase of approximately 10.1% as compared to the corresponding period of last financial year. The increase was mainly attr ibutable to the increase in revenue from the Group’s Gold and Jewellery Business and Fintech Business which an increase of approximately 2.0% and 401.6% respectively compared to the corresponding period of last financial year during the period under review.COSTOFSALESANDGROSSPROFITMARGINCost of sales of the Group increased from approximately HK$17,697,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2022 to approximately HK$17,917,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2023, which was in line with the increase in sales for the period. As the sales of the Gold and Jewellery Business are a significant part of the Group’s revenue, which has a lower gross profit margin, which were partially offset by high gross margin in lending business and fintech business, the overall gross profit margin increased from approximately 7.2% for the three months ended 30 June 2022 to 14.6% for the three months ended 30 June 2023.132023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司開支銷售開支由截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月約36,000港元減少約35,000港元至截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月約1,000港元。









    EXPENSESSelling expenses decreased by approximately HK$35,000 from approximately HK$36,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2022 to approximately HK$1,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2023. The decrease was mainly due to reduction of marketing costs of the Gold and Jewellery Business. Administrative expenses increased by approx imate ly HK$7,243,000, f rom approximately HK$11,421,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2022 to approximately HK$18,664,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2023. Such increase was mainly due to (i) increase in system development fee approximately HK$3,914,000 in Fintech Business, ( i i ) increase in information technology expenses approximately HK$1,044,000 in Fintech Business; (iii) increase in staff costs approximately HK$1,210,000 in Fintech Business; and (iv) increase in oversea travelling expenses for business trip to Kazakhstan approximately HK$241,000 in Fintech Business.RESULTFORTHEPERIODT h e G rou p re c o rd e d a l o s s o f a pp rox im a te l y HK$16,126,000 fo r the th ree months ended 30 June 2023, compared to a loss of approximately HK$10,413,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2022. The loss for the period mainly due to the operation loss on fintech business on development stage and other administrative expenses.TOTALEQUITYAs at 30 June 2023, the Group has a total equity amounted to approximately HK$32,514,000 (as at 31 March 2023: HK$49,059,000) and net current assets amounted to approximately HK$19,482,000 (as at 31 March 2023: HK$92,858,000).LIQUIDITYANDFINANCIALRESOURCESThe Group adopts a prudent cash and f inancia l management policy. In order to achieve better cost control and minimise the cost of funds, the Group’s treasury activities are centralised and cash is generally placed in deposits with banks.14 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023於二零二三年六月三十日,本集團之現金及現金等值物總額約為94,847,000港元(於二零二三年三月三十一日:45,089,000港元)。









    As at 30 June 2023, total cash and cash equivalents of the Group amounted to approximately HK$94,847,000 (as at 31 March 2023: HK$45,089,000). The increase in total cash and cash equivalent was mainly due to an increase in loan from a director and deposits from customers.TREASURYPOLICIESANDFOREIGNCURRENCY EXCHANGEEXPOSUREDespite that the Group’s trading transactions, monetary assets and liabilities are mainly denominated in Renminbi (“RMB”), United States dollars (“USD”) and Hong Kong dollars, it does not believe that the impact of foreign exchange exposure to the Group was material. The Group does not use derivative financial instruments to protect against the volatility associated with foreign currency transactions and other financial assets and liabilities created in the ordinary course of business. The majorities of the Group’s operating assets are located in Mainland China and are denominated in RMB.Cash is generally deposited at banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan, PRC and Hong Kong and denominated mostly in United States dollar, Renminbi and Hong Kong dollar. As at 30 June 2023, no related hedges were made by the Group (as at 31 March 2023: nil).CONTINGENTLIABILITIESAs at 30 June 2023, the Group had no mater ia l contingent liabilities (as at 31 March 2023: nil).SIGNIFICANTINVESTMENTS, ACQUISITIONSOR DISPOSALSThe Group does not have any material acquisition or disposal during the three months ended 30 June 2023.152023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司資本架構本公司股份於二零零零年三月二十八日在GEM上市。







    附註:(1)流動比率=流動資產÷流動負債附註:(2)速動比率=(流動資產—存貨)÷流動負債附註:(3)資本與負債比率=(債務—現金及現金等值物)÷權益CAPITALSTRUCTUREThe shares of the Company were listed on GEM on 28 March 2000.The Group’s capital structure is sound with healthy working capital management. As at 30 June 2023, the Group’s total equity amounted to approximately HK$32,514,000, rep resen t i ng and dec rease o f approximately 33.7% compared with that as at 31 March 2023 (31 March 2023: HK$49,059,000). As at 30 June 2023, the Group’s cash and cash equivalents totaled approximately HK$94,847,000 (as at 31 March 2023: HK$45,089,000). The current ratio (note 1) and the quick ratio (note 2) of the Group as at 30 June 2023 was 1.11 (as at 31 March 2023: 2.51) and 1.10 (as at 31 March 2023: 2.24) respectively. The gearing ratio (note 3) of the Group as at 30 June 2023 was (0.43) (as at 31 March 2023: Net cash position).Apart from the above, there has been no material change in the structure of the Group during the period.Note: (1) Current Ratio = Current Assets ÷ Current LiabilitiesNote: (2) Quick Ratio = (Current Assets — Inventories) ÷ Current LiabilitiesNote: (3) Gearing Ratio = (Debts — Cash and cash equivalents) ÷ Equity16 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023業務回顧及展望黃金及珠寶業務本集團從事批發市場黃金及珠寶產品買賣透過其零售店直接向客戶銷售黃金及珠寶產品。









    BUSINESSREVIEWANDOUTLOOKGOLDANDJEWELLERYBUSINESSThe Group is engaged in the trading of gold and jewellery products in the wholesale market and directly to customers through its own retail outlets.During the period under review, the Group’s Gold and Jewellery Business included wholesale and retail of jewellery and related ancillary business (including but not limited to custom-made jewellery, valet-procurement of jewellery and various after-sales services), and most of the processing businesses are performed in the form of commissioned processing by external factories. The gold and jewellery products sold by the Group mainly included gold jewellery, platinum jewellery, diamond jewellery, gemstone jewellery, emerald and karat gold jewellery.The Group’s jewellery wholesale business was mainly conducted through the wholesale of jewellery products to jewellery wholesalers by至尊彩虹鑽石(深圳)有限公司, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, where the jewellery products being wholesaled were mainly gold jewellery. During the period under review, the Group has the secondary membership (二級會員資格) of Shanghai Gold Exchange and continued to develop the secondary gold sales agency business (黃金二級代理業務). The Group may place orders for bullion via the online trading platform of Shanghai Gold Exchange. After claiming the bullion, the Group may commission external factories to process into finished gold jewellery and wholesale to jewellery wholesalers.The Group will continue to focus on developing its Gold and Jewellery Business. With reference to its past sales experience, the Group intends to step up its efforts in identifying more jewellery wholesaler customers in South China, thereby expanding the sales channels of its secondary gold sales agency business (黃金二級代理業務). Meanwhile, the Group will put more efforts to raise the sales proportion to its major high-end corporate customers (which principally purchase or customize jewellery as corporate gifts/awards) so as to increase the jewellery sales as well as generate profits.172023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司黃金及珠寶業務之收益由截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月約17,935,000港元增加約360,000港元至截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月約18,295,000港元。











    The revenue from the Gold and Jewellery Business i nc reased by app rox imate l y HK$360,000 f rom approximately HK$17,935,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2022 to approximately HK$18,295,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2023. The increase in revenue from the Gold and Jewellery Business for the period under review was mainly because of the increase in wholesale of golden jewellery products in the PRC.LENDINGBUSINESSThe Group commenced its Lending Business in Hong Kong in 2016 through acquiring a group of companies with a valid money lending licence in Hong Kong to diversify its income source. The Lending Business continued to develop during the period under review. The Group will pay a closer attention to the market situation and the external economic environment and consider the possibility of further expansion in the Lending Business.There were five major outstanding loan receivables with the Group in amounting to HK$29,633,000 (before allowance for credit loss) as at 30 June 2023. All of them were carried out as part of the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group and brought in interest income to the Group.The revenue from the lending business decreased by approximately HK$354,000 from approximately HK$647,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2022 to approximately HK$293,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2023. The decrease in revenue mainly due to a decrease in loan interest income.The Group has conducted internal risk assessment on these loan arrangements and noted both of the borrowers have substantial investments and assets in the PRC which support their respective financial capability to repay the loans, thus no securities or collaterals was sought. The purpose of the loans is to enhance their short-term cash flow.18 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023FINTECHBUSINESSThe Group commenced its Fintech Business in 2019 and continued to develop this business in the period under review.Since October 2019, the Group has started preparations for its banking business at the Astana International Financia l Centre (“AIFC”). On 4 December 2020, Astana Financial Services Authority (“AFSA”) granted Brillink Bank Corporation Limited (“Brillink Bank”) an approval-in-principle letter for a license to conduct regulated activities with non-retail banking customers under AIFC. Brillink Bank was officially established in AIFC on 25 December 2020 as an i nd i rec t non-wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. On 26 March 2021, AFSA granted Brillink Bank a license to conduct regulated banking activities, including taking deposits, granting credits, advising on credit financing, arranging credit financing, and providing money services. On August 2021, Bril l ink Bank had completed the independent assessment of implementation of controls over the Core ITBanking System as well as technical assessments were conducted to validate the adequacy and effectiveness of the actual technical or security controls implemented. The Fintech business had been started on the same time.As at 30 June 2023, there was deposits from customers and loans and advances with Brillink Bank in amounting to HK$77,661,000 and HK$59,139,000 (before allowance for credit loss). As a result of a loss in this segment, mainly due to development stage.The Group will review the market situation and the profitability of the business periodically. Then the Group will adjust the business volume in accordance with market demands and determine the resources to be further allocated based upon the business volume and operating situation from time to time.金融科技業務本集團於二零一九年開展其金融科技業務,並於回顧期內繼續發展該業務。


    於二零二零年十二月四日,阿斯塔納金融服務管理局(「阿斯塔納金融服務管理局」)向Brillink Bank Corporation Limited(「Brillink Bank」)授出原則性批准函,允許阿斯塔納國際金融中心項下與非零售銀行客戶進行受規管活動。

    Brillink Bank於二零二零年十二月二十五日在阿斯塔納國際金融中心正式成立,為本公司的間接非全資附屬公司。

    於二零二一年三月二十六日,阿斯塔納金融服務管理局向Brillink Bank授出牌照以進行受規管的銀行活動,包括吸納存款、發放信貸、就信貸融資提供諮詢、安排信貸融資及提供貨幣服務。

    於二零二一年八月,Brillink Bank已完成推行核心銀行信息技術系統控制的獨立評估並已進行技術評估,以讓實際實施的技術或安全控制充分及有效。


    於二零二三年六月三十日,Brillink Bank有客戶存款以及貸款及墊款分別為77,661,000港元及59,139,000港元(信貸虧損撥備前)。







    董事及主要行政人員於股份及相關股份之權益及淡倉於二零二三年六月三十日,董事及主要行政人員於本公司或其任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例(「證券及期貨條例」)第XV部)之股份及相關股份中,擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及第8分部須知會本公司及聯交所之權益及淡倉(包括根據證券及期貨條例相關條文彼等被當作或視為擁有之權益或淡倉),或須記錄於本公司根據證券及期貨條例第352條須備存之登記冊內之權益及淡倉,或根據本公司所採納有關董事進行證券交易之行為守則須知會本公司及聯交所之權益及淡倉如下:OUTLOOKLooking ahead, there are still great challenges for the Group. While carrying out initiatives already under way in its current strategic plans, the Group will also critically review the future opportunities in its existing businesses with a target to re-allocate the Group’s resources for a more fruitful manner. In the coming future, the Group will focus its work on strengthen its marketing and channel efforts, increasing user base and improving the quality of its products.DIRECTORS ’ ANDCHIEFEXECUTIVE ’ S INTERESTSANDSHORTPOSITIONSINSHARES ANDUNDERLYINGSHARESAs at 30 June 2023, the interests and short positions of the Directors and chief executive in the shares and underlying shares of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the “SFO”)) which were notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under Section 352 of the SFO, or which were, pursuant to the code of conduct regarding securities transactions by Directors adopted by the Company, notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange, were as follows:20 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023於本公司普通股之好倉LONGPOSITIONSINTHEORDINARYSHARES OFTHECOMPANYName of Director NotesCapacity and nature of interestNumber of ordinary shares or underlyingsharesPercentageof the Company’s issued sharecapital董事名稱附註身份及權益性質普通股或相關股份數目佔本公司已發行股本百分比Note (7)附註(7)Mr. ZHANGChunhua (1) Interest of a controlled corporation834,851,29457.29%張春華先生一間受控制公司之權益Mr. ZHANGChunhua (2) Personal interest 57,098,0003.92%張春華先生個人權益Ms. Zhang Chunping (3) Personal interest 13,800,0000.95%張春萍女士個人權益Ms. Chung Elizabeth Ching Yee (4) Personal interest 16,609,0001.14%鍾靜儀女士個人權益Ms. CHANMei Yan Hidy (5) Personal interest 500,0000.03%陳美恩女士個人權益Ms. LEEKwun Ling, May Jean (6) Personal interest 500,0000.03%李筠翎女士個人權益212023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司Notes:(1) 834,851,294 shares of the Company are held by Brilliant Chapter Limited and its entire issued share capital is held 20% by Source Mega Limited, a company incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles. The directors of Brilliant Chapter Limited are Mr. Zhang Chunhua and Ms. Zhang Chunping and the sole director of Source Mega Limited is Ms. Zhang Chunping. Ms. Zhang Chunping is the chief executive director of the Company. Mr. Zhang Chunhua is the brother of Ms. Zhang Chunping. By virtue of the SFO, Mr. Zhang Chunhua is deemed to be interested in 834,851,294 shares of the Company held by Brilliant Chapter Limited.(2) Mr. Zhang Chunhua is personally interested in 43,298,000 shares of the Company. In addition, he is also entitled to his share options to subscribe for 13,800,000 shares of the Company in his capacity as a director of the Group.(3) Ms. Zhang Chunping is entitled to her share options to subscribe for 13,800,000 shares of the Company in her capacity as a director of the Group.(4) Ms. Chung Elizabeth Ching Yee is personally interested in 2,809,000 shares of the Company. In addition, she is also entitled to her share options to subscribe for 13,800,000 shares of the Company in her capacity as a director of the Group.(5) Ms. Chan Mei Yan Hidy is entitled to her share options to subscribe for 500,000 shares of the Company in her capacity as a director of the Group.(6) Ms. Lee Kwun Ling, May Jean is entitled to her share options to subscribe for 500,000 shares of the Company in her capacity as a director of the Group.(7) Based on 1,457,238,414 shares in the Company in issue as at 30 June 2023.附註:(1) Brilliant Chapter Limited持有834,851,294股本公司股份,且其全部已發行股本由Source Mega Limited(一間於塞舌爾共和國註冊成立之公司)持有20%。

    Brilliant Chapter Limited之董事為張春華先生及張春萍女士。

    張春萍女士為Source Mega Limited之唯一董事。



    根據證券及期貨條例,張春華先生被視為於Brilliant Chapter Limited持有之834,851,294股本公司股份中擁有權益。









    22 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023除上文所披露者外,於二零二三年六月三十日,本公司董事及主要行政人員於本公司或其任何相聯法團之普通股或相關股份中概無擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及第8分部須知會本公司及聯交所之權益或淡倉,或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須予記錄,或根據GEM上市規則第5.46條須知會本公司及聯交所之權益或淡倉。




    Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2023, none of the Directors and chief executive of the Company had an interest or short position in the ordinary shares or underlying shares of the Company or any of its associated corporations that was notified to the Company and the Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO, or was required to be recorded pursuant to Section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Exchange pursuant to Rule 5.46 of the GEMListing Rules.SHAREOPTIONSThe Company adopts and administers a share option scheme which is currently in force and effect for the purpose of providing incentives and rewards to eligible participants who contribute to the success of the Group’s operations.The current share option scheme was approved by the Shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company held on 10 September 2021 (the “2021 Scheme”) in place of the previous share option scheme of the Company which was adopted in August 2011 and expired in August 2021 (the “2011 Scheme”). Options granted under the 2011 Scheme which remained outstanding are set out below.232023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司二零二一年計劃之概要載列如下:二零二一年計劃自二零二一年九月十日起生效,為期十年。






    A summary of the 2021 Scheme is set out below:The 2021 Scheme became effective for a period of 10 years commencing on 10 September 2021. Eligible participants of the 2021 Scheme include the employees and directors of the Group, business partners, agents, consultants or advisers appointed by the Group. Under the 2021 Scheme, The subscription price for Shares under the New Share Option Scheme may be determined by the Board at its absolute discretion, provided that it shall not be less than the highest of: (i) the closing price of the Shares on the Stock Exchange as shown in the daily quotations sheet of the Stock Exchange on the Offer Date, which must be a Business Day; (ii) the average of the closing prices of the Shares as shown in the daily quotations sheets of the Stock Exchange for the five (5) consecutive Business Days immediately preceding the Offer Date; and (iii) the nominal value of the Share on the Offer Date. A nominal consideration of HK$1.00 is payable by the grantee upon acceptance of an Option. An offer of the grant of an Option shall be deemed to have been accepted by an Eligible Participant concerned in respect of all Shares which are offered to such Eligible Participant when the duplicate letter comprising acceptance of the Offer duly signed by the Eligible Participant with the number of Shares in respect of which the Offer is accepted stated therein, together with a remittance in favour of the Company of HK$1.00 by way of consideration for the grant thereof is received by the Company within twenty-one (21) days from the Offer Date (or such shorter period referred to in the paragraph above).No share option was granted under 2021 Scheme.24 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023以下董事根據二零一一年計劃獲授購股權以認購本公司股份,詳情如下:The following Directors were granted share options under the 2011 Scheme to subscribe for shares of the Company, details of which are as follows:Number of share optionsExercise price ofshare optionsgranted**購股權數目Name or category of participantAt 1 April2023Granted during the periodExercised during the periodLapsed during the periodAt 30 June2023Date of share options granted*Exercise period of share options granted參與者名稱或類別於二零二三年四月一日期內授出期內行使期內失效於二零二三年六月三十日購股權授出日期*授出購股權之行使期限授出購股權之行使價**HK$ per share港元(每股)Directors董事Mr. Zhang Chunhua 13,800,000 — — — 13,800,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59張春華先生二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日Ms. Zhang Chunping 13,800,000 — — — 13,800,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59張春萍女士二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日Ms. Chung Elizabeth Ching Yee13,800,000 — — — 13,800,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59鍾靜儀女士二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日Ms. Chan Mei Yan Hidy 300,000 — — — 300,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59陳美恩女士二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日200,000 — — — 200,00018 December 201818 December 2019 to 18 December 2028 0.33二零一八年十二月十八日二零一九年十二月十八日至二零二八年十二月十八日Ms. Lee Kwun Ling, May Jean 300,000 — — — 300,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59李筠翎女士二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日200,000 — — — 200,00018 December 201818 December 2019 to 18 December 2028 0.33二零一八年十二月十八日二零一九年十二月十八日至二零二八年十二月十八日 42,400,000 — — — 42,400,000 252023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司*購股權之接納時間為自購股權要約日期起計21日內。





    Number of share optionsExercise price ofshare optionsgranted**購股權數目Name or category of participantAt 1 April2023Granted during the periodExercised during the periodLapsed during the periodAt 30 June2023Date of share options granted*Exercise period of share options granted參與者名稱或類別於二零二三年四月一日期內授出期內行使期內失效於二零二三年六月三十日購股權授出日期*授出購股權之行使期限授出購股權之行使價**HK$ per share港元(每股)Employees of the Group本集團僱員In aggregate 13,160,000 — — — 13,160,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59合計二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日 Others其他In aggregate 16,600,000 — — — 16,600,00027 June 201827 June 2019 to 26 June 2028 0.59合計二零一八年六月二十七日二零一九年六月二十七日至二零二八年六月二十六日34,700,000 — — — 34,700,00018 December 201818 December 2019 to 18 December 2028 0.33二零一八年十二月十八日二零一九年十二月十八日至二零二八年十二月十八日 51,300,000 — — — 51,300,000 106,860,000 — — — 106,860,000 * The time of acceptance of the share options was within 21 days from the options offer date. The share options granted are subject to certain vesting period and vary for each category of participant as specified under the respective share option schemes.** The exercise price of the share options is subject to some adjustments in the case of rights or bonus issues, or other similar changes in the Company’s share capital.*** There were no share options granted and exercised during the period.As at 30 June 2023, the Company had outstanding options to subscribe for up to 106,860,000 shares under the 2011 Scheme.26 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023智朗股份獎勵計劃於二零二零年十二月二日,本公司附屬公司智朗控股有限公司(智朗,前稱朗華國際金融控股有限公司)採納股份獎勵計劃(「智朗股份獎勵計劃」)。


    截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月,智朗股份獎勵變動之概要如下:BHLSHAREAWARDSCHEMEOn 2 December 2020, Brillink Holdings Limited (BHL, formerly known as CBGFintech Holdings Limited), a subsidiary of the Company, adopted a Share Award Scheme (the “BHLShare Award Scheme”).The principal objectives of the BHLShare Award Scheme are (i) to recognise the contributions by employees and to provide them with incentives in order to retain them for the continual operation and development of the Fintech segment; and (ii) to attract suitable personnel for further development of Fintech segment.A summary of the movements of the BHL share awards during the three months ended 30 June 2023 are as follows:Grantees Date of grant Vesting dateAs at 1 April 2023 Granted Vested CalledAs at 30 June 2023承授人授出日期歸屬期於二零二三年四月一日已授出已歸屬已催繳於二零二三年六月三十日Directors董事Ms. Chung Elizabeth Ching Yee 23 December 202022 December 2021599 – – – 599鍾靜儀女士於二零二零年十二月二十三日於二零二一年十二月二十二日Other participants其他參與者Other employee(s)其他僱員Staff A 23 December 202022 December 2023368 — — —* 368員工A於二零二零年十二月二十三日於二零二三年十二月二十二日23 December 202022 December 2023369 — — — 369於二零二零年十二月二十三日於二零二三年十二月二十二日Staff B 23 December 202022 December 202146 — — — 46員工B於二零二零年十二月二十三日於二零二一年十二月二十二日Staff C 23 December 202022 December 202546 — — — 46員工C於二零二零年十二月二十三日於二零二五年十二月二十二日272023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司*回購中Grantees Date of grant Vesting dateAs at 1 April 2023 Granted Vested CalledAs at 30 June 2023承授人授出日期歸屬期於二零二三年四月一日已授出已歸屬已催繳於二零二三年六月三十日Other participants (Continued)其他參與者(續)Staff D 23 December 202022 December 202546 — — — 46員工D於二零二零年十二月二十三日於二零二五年十二月二十二日Staff E 30 September 202229 September 202530 — — — 30員工E於二零二二年九月三十日於二零二五年九月二十九日30 September 202229 September 202730 — — — 30於二零二二年九月三十日於二零二七年九月二十九日Staff F 30 September 202229 September 202530 — — — 30員工F於二零二二年九月三十日於二零二五年九月二十九日30 September 202229 September 202730 — — — 30於二零二二年九月三十日於二零二七年九月二十九日Staff G 30 September 202229 September 202530 — — — 30員工G於二零二二年九月三十日於二零二五年九月二十九日30 September 202229 September 202730 — — — 30於二零二二年九月三十日於二零二七年九月二十九日 Total總計1,654 — — — 1,654 * In the process of recalling28 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023主要股東之權益及淡倉於二零二三年六月三十日,於本公司股份或相關股份中擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第3分部之條文須向本公司披露,或須記錄於本公司根據證券及期貨條例第336條須備存之登記冊之權益或淡倉之股東(本公司董事或主要行政人員除外)如下:於本公司普通股或相關股份之好倉INTERESTSANDSHORTPOSITIONSOF SUBSTANTIALSHAREHOLDERSAs at 30 June 2023, shareholders (other than the Directors or chief executive of the Company) who had interests or short positions in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or which were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO were as follows:LONGPOSITIONSINTHEORDINARYSHARES ORUNDERLYINGSHARESOFTHECOMPANYName of shareholder NotesCapacity and nature of interestNumber of ordinary shares or underlying sharesPercentage of the Company’s issued share capital股東名稱附註身份及權益性質普通股或相關股份數目佔本公司已發行股本百分比Note (3)附註(3)Brilliant Chapter Limited (1) Beneficially owned 834,851,29457.29%實益擁有Mr. Zhang Chunhua (2) Interest of a controlled corporation834,851,29457.29%張春華先生一間受控制公司之權益(2) Personal interest 57,098,0003.92%個人權益292023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司附註:(1) Brilliant Chapter Limited為一間於塞舌爾共和國註冊成立之有限責任公司,其全部已發行股本由張春華先生實益擁有80%及由Source Mega Limited(一間於塞舌爾共和國註冊成立之公司)(作為張春萍女士的代名人)擁有20%。








    Notes:(1) Brilliant Chapter Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles and its issued share capital is beneficially owned as to 80% by Mr. Zhang Chunhua and as to 20% by Source Mega Limited, a company incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles (as a nominee of Ms. Zhang Chunping). Mr. Zhang Chunhua is the brother of Ms. Zhang Chunping.(2) Mr. Zhang Chunhua is personally interested in 43,298,000 shares of the Company. In addition, he is also entitled to his share options to subscribe for 13,800,000 shares of the Company in his capacity as a director of the Group.(3) Based on 1,457,238,414 shares of the Company in issue as at 30 June 2023.Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2023, the Company has not been notified by any persons (other than the Directors or chief executive of the Company) who had interests or short positions in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or which were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO.COMPETINGINTERESTSNone of the Directors or the controlling shareholders of the Company or their respective associates (as defined under the GEMListing Rules) have any interests in a business which competes or may compete with the business of the Group, or has any other conflict of interest with the Group during the period under review.PURCHASE, REDEMPTIONORSALEOFTHE COMPANY’SLISTEDSECURITIESDuring the three months ended 30 June 2023, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has purchased, redeemed or sold any of the Company’s listed securities.30 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023董事證券交易本公司已採納一套有關董事進行證券交易之行為守則,其條款之嚴格程度不遜於GEM上市規則第5.48條至5.67條所載之交易必守標準。






    DIRECTORS’ SECURITIESTRANSACTIONSThe Company has adopted a code of conduct regarding securities transactions by Directors on terms no less exacting than the required standard of dealings as set out in Rules 5.48 to 5.67 of the GEMListing Rules. In response to specific enquiry made by the Company, each of the Directors gave confirmation that he complied with the required standard of dealings and the code of conduct regarding securities transactions by the Directors throughout the three months ended 30 June 2023.CORPORATEGOVERNANCECODEThe Company has complied with all the code provisions set out in the Corporate Governance Code (the “CG Code”) as contained in Appendix 15 to the GEMListing Rules throughout the period under review.BOARDCOMMITTEESThe Board has established three committees, namely the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Audit Committee for overseeing particular aspects of the Company’s affairs.All Board committees of the Company are established with defined written terms of reference. The terms of reference of the Board committees are posted on the website of the Exchange and the Company’s website.312023年第一季度業績報告I朗華國際集團有限公司審核委員會本公司已於二零零零年三月七日成立審核委員會,並已根據企業管治守則之條文制訂及不時修訂其書面職權範圍。







    AUDITCOMMITTEEThe Company established the Audit Committee on 7 March 2000 and has formulated and from time to time amended its written terms of reference in accordance with the provisions set out in the CGCode. The primary duties of the Audit Committee include review and supervision of the Group’s f inancial reporting system and internal control procedures, review of the Group’s financial information and review of the Group’s relationship with its auditors.As at the date of this report, the Audit Committee comprised three independent non-executive Directors, namely Ms. Chan Mei Yan Hidy (Chairman of the Audit Committee), Ms. Lee Kwun Ling, May Jean and Mr. Zhang Weidong.The Audit Committee has reviewed this report and has provided advice and comments thereon.REMUNERATIONCOMMITTEEIn accordance with the CGCode, the Company established the remuneration committee (“Remuneration Committee”) on 17 June 2005 with writ ten terms o f re fe rence. T he p r i nc ipa l re spons ib i l i t i e s o f t h e R e m u n e ra t i o n C o m m i t te e i n c l u d e m a k i n g recommendations to the Board on the Company’s policy and structure for remuneration of all Directors and senior management and reviewing the specific remuneration packages of all executive Directors and senior management by reference to corporate goals and objectives resolved by the Board from time to time.T h e R e m u n e ra t i o n C o m m i t te e c o m p r i s e s t wo independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Zhang Weidong (Chairman of the Remuneration Committee) and Ms. Lee Kwun Ling, May Jean, and one executive Director, namely Ms. Chung, Elizabeth Ching Yee.32 China Brilliant Global Limited IFirst Quarterly Report 2023提名委員會根據企業管治守則之規定,本公司已於二零一二年三月二十九日成立提名委員會(「提名委員會」),並制定其書面職權範圍。



    承董事會命主席張春華香港,二零二三年八月十一日NOMINATIONCOMMITTEEIn accordance with the CGCode, the Company established the nomination committee (“Nomination Committee”) on 29 March 2012 with written terms of reference. The principal responsibilities of the Nomination Committee include formulating nomination policy and making recommendations to the Board on nomination and appointment of Directors and Board succession, developing selection procedures for nomination of candidates, reviewing the size, structure and composition of the Board, as well as assessing the independence of independent non-executive Directors.The Nomination Committee comprises two independent non-executive Directors, namely Ms. Lee Kwun Ling, May Jean (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), Ms. Chan Mei Yan Hidy and one executive Director, namely Ms. Chung, Elizabeth Ching Yee.By Order of the BoardZhang Chunhua ChairmanHong Kong,11 August 2023

