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  • PF GROUP:截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月的 第一季度業績公告

    日期:2023-08-14 22:39:00
    股票名称:PF GROUP 股票代码:08221.HK
    研报栏目:定期财报  (PDF) 648KB


    (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司)(股份代號:8221)截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月的第一季度業績公告PFGroup Holdings Limited(「本公司」)董事(「董事」)會(「董事會」)謹此宣佈,本公司及其附屬公司截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月的未經審核綜合季度業績。



    承董事會命PFGroup Holdings Limited主席兼執行董事霍玉堂香港,二零二三年八月十四日於本公告日期,董事會由七名董事組成,即執行董事霍玉堂先生(主席)、謝青純女士、霍潔儀女士及李浩良先生;及獨立非執行董事陳凱媛女士、唐永智先生及關子臻先生。




    1PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)GEM(「GEM」)的特色GEM的定位,乃為中小型公司提供一個上市的市場,此等公司相比起其他在聯交所上市的公司帶有較高投資風險。




    CHARACTERISTICSOFGEM (“GEM”) OFTHESTOCKEXCHANGE OFHONGKONGLIMITED (THE “STOCKEXCHANGE”)GEM has been positioned as a market des igned to accommodate smal l and mid-sized companies to which a higher investment risk may be attached than other companies listed on the Stock Exchange. Prospective investors should be aware of the potential risks of investing in such companies and should make the decision to invest only after due and careful consideration.Given that the companies listed on GEM are generally small and midsized companies, there is a risk that securities traded on GEM may be more susceptible to high market volatility than securities traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange and no assurance is given that there will be a liquid market in the securities traded on GEM.Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and the Stock Exchange take no responsibility for the contents of this report, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report.2PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023本報告乃遵照聯交所GEM證券上市規則(「GEM上市規則」)而提供有關PFGroup Holdings Limited(「本公司」)的資料,本公司董事(「董事」)願共同及個別就此負全責。


    董事會(「董事會」)謹此宣佈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月(「報告期間」)的未經審核簡明綜合業績,連同二零二二年同期(「相應期間」)的未經審核比較數字如下:This report, for which the directors (the “Directors”) of PFGroup Holdings Limited (the “Company”) collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on GEM of the Stock Exchange (the “GEMListing Rules”) for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company. The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained in this report is accurate and complete in all material respects and not misleading or deceptive, and there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement herein or this report misleading.The boa rd o f D i re c to r s ( t he “ Board ” ) hereby announces the unaudited condensed consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (col lectively the “Group”) for the three months ended 30 June 2023 (the “Reporting Period”) together with the compa ra t i v e unaud i t ed f i gu re s f o r the co r re spond ing pe r iod in 2022 ( the “Corresponding Period”), as follows:3PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告未經審核簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月UNAUDITEDCONDENSED CONSOLIDATEDSTATEMENTOF PROFITORLOSSANDOTHER COMPREHENSIVEINCOMEFor the three months ended 30 June 2023Three months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年Notes HK$’000 HK$’000附註千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Revenue收益Commission income from securities dealing and brokerage services來自證券交易及經紀服務的佣金收入180355Fee and commission income from placing and underwriting activities來自配售及包銷活動的收費及佣金收入345 –Interest income from loan financing, margin financing and money lending services來自貸款融資、保證金融資及財務借貸服務的利息收入2,9331,142Supply chain financing供應鏈融資1,81733Others其他423962Total revenue總收益5,5141,592Bank interest income銀行利息收入51156Fair value change on investments at fair value through profit or loss按公平值計入損益之投資的公平值變動(16) –Other gains and losses其他收益及虧損56603 5,5552,351Commission expenses佣金開支6 (55) (106)Depreciation expenses折舊開支(444) (1,178)Staff costs員工成本7 (1,909) (1,982)Impairment loss on account receivables應收賬款的減值虧損(334) –Other operating expenses其他經營開支8 (1,771) (2,935)Finance costs融資成本9 (170) (46)Profit/(loss) before tax除稅前溢利/(虧損) 872 (3,896)Income tax expense所得稅開支11 – –Profit/(loss) and total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the period期內溢利/(虧損)及全面溢利/(虧損)總額872 (3,896)Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the period attributable to:以下各方應佔期內全面溢利/(虧損)總額:Owners of the Company本公司擁有人873 (3,896)Non-controlling interest非控股權益(1) –8723,896HK cents HK cents港仙港仙Profit/(loss) per share每股溢利/(虧損)Basic基本0.04 (0.19)4PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023未經審核簡明綜合權益變動表截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月截至二零二二年六月三十日止三個月UNAUDITEDCONDENSED CONSOLIDATEDSTATEMENTOF CHANGESINEQUITYFor the three months ended 30 June 2023Attributable to owners of the Company本公司擁有人應佔權益Share capitalShare premiumOther reservesFair value through other comprehensive income reservesRetained profits TotalNon-controllinginterest Total股本股份溢價其他儲備按公平值計入其他全面收益儲備保留溢利總計非控股權益總計HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元As at 1 April 2023 (audited)於二零二三年四月一日(經審核) 20,00048,2299,762 – 65,829143,820 (15) 143,805Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the period期內全面溢利╱(虧損) 總額– – – – 873873 (1) 872As at 30 June 2023 (unaudited)於二零二三年六月三十日(未經審核) 20,00048,2299,762 – 66,702144,693 (16) 144,677For the three months ended 30 June 2022Attributable to owners of the Company本公司擁有人應佔權益Share capitalShare premiumOther reservesFair value through other comprehensive income reservesRetained profits Total股本股份溢價其他儲備按公平值計入其他全面收益儲備保留溢利總計HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元千港元As at 1 April 2022 (audited)於二零二二年四月一日(經審核) 20,00048,2299,762 – 75,343153,334Total comprehensive loss for the period期內全面虧損總額– – – – (3,896) (3,896)As at 30 June 2022 (unaudited)於二零二二年六月三十日(未經審核) 20,00048,2299,762 – 71,447149,438 5PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月1.一般資料本公司於二零一五年八月三日在開曼群島註冊成立為獲豁免有限公司。

    本公司註冊辦事處的地址為Cricket Square, Hutchins D r i v e , P. O . B o x 2681, Grand Cayman, KY1-1111, Cayman Islands,而本公司主要營業地點的地址為香港皇后大道中183號中遠大廈44樓4409室。






    NOTESTOTHEUNAUDITED CONDENSEDCONSOLIDATED FINANCIALSTATEMENTSFor the three months ended 30 June 20231. GENERALThe Company is an exempted company with limited liability incorporated in the Cayman Islands on 3 August 2015. The address of its registered office is Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman, KY1-1111, Cayman Islands. The address of its principal place of business is Room 4409,44/F, COSCO Tower,183 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong. The ultimate holding company of the Company is Chance Wise Investments Limited (“CWIL”), a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability.The Company is an investment holding company. The Group is principally engaged in the provision of (i) securities dealing and brokerage services; (ii) placing and underwriting services; (iii) financing services including loan financing, securities and initial public offering (“IPO”) margin financing and money lending; (iv) asset management services; (v) supply chain financing; and (vi) advisory services.The Company’s shares (“Shares”) were listed on the GEM of the Stock Exchange on 6 January 2017. Trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange has been suspended from 9:00 a.m. on 29 June 2023 pending certain resumption conditions as imposed by the Stock Exchange to be fulfilled, detai ls of which are set out in the Company’s announcement dated 21 July 2023.6PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 20231.一般資料(續)未經審核簡明綜合財務報表以港元(「港元」)呈列,港元亦為本公司及其附屬公司的功能貨幣,而除另有指明者外,所有數值均湊整至最接近千位數(「千港元」)。






    1. GENERAL (Continued)The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in Hong Kong dollars (“HK$”), which is also the functional currency of the Company and its subsidiaries and all values are rounded to the nearest thousands (“HK$’000”), unless otherwise stated.2. BASISOFPREPARATIONAND SIGNIFICANTACCOUNTING POLICIESThe Group ’s unaud i t ed condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable Hong Kong Financial Reporting S tandards (“HKFRSs” ) , wh i ch i s a collective term that includes all applicable individual HKFRSs, Hong Kong Accounting Standards and interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) and the applicable disclosure requirements of the GEMListing Rules.The unaudited condensed consolidated quarterly results have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for certain financial instruments which are measured at fair values. Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for assets.The unaudited condensed consolidated quarter ly resu l ts should be read in conjunction with the Group’s audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 (the “Annual Report 2023”). The accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in the preparation of these unaudited c o n d e n s e d c o n s o l i d a t e d f i n a n c i a l statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Annual Report 2023.7PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告2.編製基準及重大會計政策(續) 本集團已採納已頒佈並於二零二三年四月一日開始的會計期間生效的準則、修訂及詮釋。





    主要服務所得收益本集團提供七類服務:(a)證券交易及經紀服務,主要產生證券交易佣金;(b)配售及包銷服務,主要產生來自權益及債務證券配售及包銷的收費及佣金;2. BASISOFPREPARATIONAND SIGNIFICANTACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued)The Group has adopted the standards, amendments and interpretations that have been issued and effective for the accounting period beginning on 1 April 2023. The adoption of such standards, amendments and interpretations does not have material financial effect on this quarterly results.3. SEGMENTREPORTINGThe chief operat ing decis ion maker (“CODM”) of the Group, being the executive Directors and senior management of the Group, regularly review revenue analysis by major services to make decisions about resource allocation. No discrete financial information other than revenue is regularly provided to the CODM. The management assesses the performance of the Group based on the revenue and profit as presented in the unaudited condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.Revenue from major servicesThe Group provides seven types of services:(a) securities dealing and brokerage services, which primarily generate commission on securities dealing;(b) placing and underwriting services, which primarily generate fee and commission from equity and debt securities placing and underwriting;8PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 20233.分部報告(續)主要服務所得收益(續) (c)融資服務,包括貸款融資、證券及首次公開招股保證金融資及財務借貸,產生來自貸款融資、保證金融資及財務借貸客戶的利息收入;(d)資產管理服務,主要產生管理費及表現費;(e)供應鏈融資為一項在貸款融資、保證金融資及財務借貸下延伸的另類金融服務,為批發商的3C(電腦、通訊及電子消費品)產品貿易業務提供供應鏈融資及物流服務;(f)諮詢服務提供專業意見;及(g)其他服務,主要產生來自提供其他服務的收費收入(如代理費、專業服務費及轉介費)。

    3. SEGMENTREPORTING (Continued)Revenue from major services (Continued)(c) financing services, including loan financing, securities and IPO margin financing and money lending, which generate interest income from loan financing, margin financing and money lending clients;(d) asset management services, which primarily generate management fee and performance fee;(e) s u p p l y c h a i n f i n a n c i n g i s a n alternative financial service under the loan financing, margin financing and money lending which provides supply chain financing and logistic services to wholesalers for their trading businesses in respect of 3C (Computer, Communications and Consumer electronics) products;(f) advisory services provide professional advice; and(g) other serv ices, which pr imar i ly generate fee income (such as agency fees, professional service fee and referral fees) from other services provided.9PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告3.分部報告(續)主要服務所得收益(續) 收益指自第三方已收及應收總金額、來自證券交易及經紀服務、配售及包銷服務、融資服務、資產管理服務、供應鏈融資、諮詢服務及其他服務的收入。

    於截至二零二三年六月三十日及二零二二年六月三十日止三個月各期間的已確認收益如下:來自客戶合約收益的劃分3. SEGMENTREPORTING (Continued)Revenue from major services (Continued)Revenue represents the aggregate of the amounts received and receivable from third parties, income from securities dealing and brokerage services, placing and underwriting services, financing services, asset management services, supply chain financing, advisory services and others services. Revenue recognised for each of the three months ended 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2022 are as follows:Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customersThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Securities dealing and brokerage services證券交易及經紀服務180355Placing and underwriting services配售及包銷服務345 –Other services其他服務23962Revenue from contracts with customers來自客戶合約收益764417Supply chain financing供應鏈融資1,81733Interest income from margin financing services保證金融資服務的利息收入2,584818Interest income from loan financing and money lending貸款融資及財務借貸的利息收入349324 4,7501,175Total revenue總收益5,5141,592Timing of revenue recognition:確認收益的時間:A point in time於指定時間點764417 10PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 20234.其他收益5.其他收益及虧損4. OTHERREVENUEThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Handling fee income手續費收入4958Professional service fee income專業服務費收入– 2Other其他1902 239625. OTHERGAINSANDLOSSESThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Government grant政府補助– 216Sundry Income雜項收入6387 6603 11PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告6.佣金開支7.員工成本員工及董事花紅屬酌情性質,並參考本集團及個別人士表現釐定。

    6. COMMISSIONEXPENSESThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Commission to account executives支付予客戶主任的佣金551067. STAFFCOSTSThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Salaries薪金965765Contributions to Mandatory Provident Fund強制性公積金供款389Directors’ emoluments董事酬金– Fees -袍金8881,146– Contributions to Mandatory Provident Fund-強制性公積金供款1862 1,9091,982Staff and directors’ bonus are discretionary and determined with reference to the Group’s and individuals’ performance.12PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 20238.其他經營開支9.融資成本8. OTHEROPERATINGEXPENSESThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Bank charge銀行收費1820Donations捐款– 30Entertainment expenses業務招待開支4617Foreign Exchange loss外匯虧損1341,279Legal and professional fee法律及專業費用399349Office Management Fee辦公室管理費5848Office rent and rates辦公室租金及差餉256572Office supplies & electricity辦公用品及電費3956Software and stock information expenses軟件及金融市場資訊費用開支589452Travelling and transportation expenses差旅及運輸開支3446Others其他19866 1,7712,9359. FINANCECOSTSThree months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Interest on lease liabilities租賃負債利息17046 17046 13PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告10.股息於截至二零二三年六月三十日止三個月並無宣派及派付股息。



    12.每股溢利/(虧損)本公司擁有人應佔每股基本虧損乃根據下列數據而計算:10. DIVIDENDNo dividend was declared and paid during the three months ended 30 June 2023. The Board does not recommend the payment of any dividend for the three months ended 30 June 2023 (2022: Nil).11. INCOMETAXEXPENSENo provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax has been made as the Group had no estimated assessable profits arising from Hong Kong for the three months ended 30 June 2023 (2022: Nil).12. PROFIT/(LOSS) PERSHAREThe calculation of the basic loss per share attributable to the owners of the Company is based on the following data:Three months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年HK$’000 HK$’000千港元千港元(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Profit/(loss)溢利/(虧損)Profit/(loss) for the purpose of calculating basic profit/(loss) per share:計算每股基本溢利/(虧損) 所用溢利/(虧損):Profit/(loss) for the period attributable to owners of the Company本公司擁有人應佔期內溢利/ (虧損) 873 (3,896)14PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 202312.每股溢利/(虧損)(續)截至二零二三年及二零二二年六月三十日止三個月各期間,並無任何潛在攤薄已發行普通股,故並無呈列每股攤薄盈利。

    12. PROFIT/(LOSS) PERSHARE (Continued)Three months ended 30 June截至六月三十日止三個月20232022二零二三年二零二二年(unaudited) (unaudited)(未經審核) (未經審核)Number of shares股份數目Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating basic profit/(loss) per share計算每股基本溢利/(虧損) 所用普通股加權平均數2,000,000,0002,000,000,000For each of the three months ended 30 June 2023 and 2022, there were no dilutive potential ordinary shares in issue, thus no diluted earnings per share is presented.15PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告管理層討論及分析業務回顧本集團主要從事提供(i)證券交易及經紀服務;(ii)配售及包銷服務;(iii)包括貸款融資、證券及首次公開招股保證金融資及財務借貸的融資服務;(iv)資產管理服務;(v)供應鏈融資;及(vi)諮詢服務。


    證券交易及經紀服務本集團透過本公司營運附屬公司之一太平基業證券有限公司(「 PFSL」)從事證券交易及經紀服務,PFSL為根據香港法例第571章證券及期貨條例(「證券及期貨條例」)可從事第1類(證券交易)及第9類(提供資產管理)受規管活動的持牌法團。



    MANAGEMENTDISCUSSIONAND ANALYSISBUSINESSREVIEWThe Group is principally engaged in the provision of (i) securities dealing and brokerage services; (ii) placing and underwriting services; (iii) financing services including loan financing, securities and IPO margin financing and money lending; (iv) asset management services; (v) supply chain financing; and (vi) advisory services. The Group’s services mainly relate to equity and debt securities trading on the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong.Securities Dealing and Brokerage ServicesThe Group conducts securities dealing and brokerage services through Pacific Foundation Securities Limited (“PFSL”), one of the operating subsidiar ies of the Company, which is a corporation licensed to carry on Type 1 (dealing in securities) and Type 9 (asset management) regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”). As at 30 June 2023, the Group had 98 active securities trading accounts (Corresponding Period: 139), the total transaction value for the Reporting Period was approximately HK$81,437,000 (Corresponding Period: approximately HK$177,000,000). The Group’s commission income from securities dealing and brokerage services decreased by approximately 49.3% from approximately HK$355,000 for the Corresponding Period to approximately HK$180,000 for the Reporting Period.16PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023配售及包銷服務配售及包銷費用以及佣金收入主要受到本集團參與的委聘數目、委聘規模及佣金率所影響。







    Placing and Underwriting ServicesPlacing and underwriting fee and commission income is principally affected by the number of engagements participated by the Group, the size of engagements and the commission r a t e s . D u r i n g t h e R e p o r t i n g P e r i o d , there was one plac ing and underwrit ing engagement (Corresponding Period: Nil) with a total transaction amount of approximately HK$8,613,000 (Corresponding Period: HK$Nil). The fee and commission income generated from placing and underwriting activities was approximately HK$345,000 for the Reporting Period (Corresponding Period: HK$Nil).Loan Financing, Margin Financing and Money Lending ServicesInterest income from loan financing, margin financing and money lending services mainly represents the interest income generated from the provision of loan financing, margin financing and money lending services for customers to purchase securities listed on the Stock Exchange on a margin basis, hire purchase and mortgage loan financing. For the Reporting Period, interest income from loan financing, margin financing and money lending services increased by approximately 156.8% from approximately HK$1,142,000 for the Corresponding Period to approximately HK$2,933,000 for the Reporting Period.Asset Management ServicesThe Group has recently embarked on the development of the external asset manager (EAM) business and is in the process of account opening with two financial institutions to distribute their financial products. The Group’s fee income from asset management services for the Reporting Period was nil, as the Group currently has no asset management clients. (Corresponding Period: HK$Nil and nil).17PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告供應鏈融資本集團於報告期間錄得供應鏈融資的利息收入及服務費約1,817,000港元(相應期間:33,000港元),其為自二零二二年第一季度起新開發的業務部門。






    Supply Chain FinancingThe Group recorded interest income and service fees from supply chain financing of approximately HK$1,817,000 for the Reporting Period (Corresponding Period: HK$33,000), which is a newly developed business segment starting from the first quarter of 2022. The gross procurement amount of the Group’s clients was approximately HK$70,592,000 for the Reporting Period (Corresponding Period: HK$28,734,000).AdvisoryDuring the Reporting Period, the Group acted as a consultant in an acquisition of a private company in Hong Kong and the project is target to close in the second quarter of 2023.Other ServicesIn addition to the above business activities, the Group may on a case by case basis come across other services, the fee income from which is recorded as other revenue.As stated in the Company’s annual report for the year ended 31 March 2023, the Company dec ided to expand i t s f inanc ia l serv ices by developing a trust business, which will complement the existing and future range of financial products and services that the Group offers to its clients. The operating subsidiary has been established and is applying for the Trust or Company Service Provider Licence.18PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023展望於報告期間,本公司實現了轉虧為盈的出色業績。






    PROSPECTSThe Company has achieved remarkable results turnaround from a net loss to a net profit recorded for the Reporting Period. The Group will continue to put in effort in developing its principal businesses including the placing and underwriting business, the loan and margin financing and money lending business, the supply chain financing business, the securities dealing and brokerage business and the asset management business. Furthermore, with an aim to developing businesses with less capital intensive, the Group has started to develop EAM and trust businesses so as to capture business from high net worth clientele as well as to offer more financial products and create more value for its existing and future clients.As the Group needs more financial resources to expand its business, in particular its loan and margin financing and money lending business and supply chain financing business, during the Reporting Period, the controlling shareholder of the Company provided a loan facility of approximately HK$11,700,000 (equivalent to USD1,500,000) to the Group of which a loan of approximately HK$7,020,000 (equivalent to USD900,000) was drawn down by the Company as at 30 June 2023. The Company has also approached a bank in Hong Kong in granting a loan facility to the Group. The Group will continue to explore other external financing means, including without limitation to further loans from its controlling shareholder as and when appropriate to enable the Group has sufficient financial resources to cope with its business expansion.19PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告以下是其業務分部的進展摘要:證券交易及經紀業務於報告期間,本集團就本集團於證券及期貨條例項下的第1類受規管活動招聘一名負責人(須經證券及期貨事務監察委員會批准),其於證券交易、經紀、保證金融資、股票資本市場(「股票資本市場」)及債務資本市場方面積逾15年經驗。





    Below is a summary of the progress of its business segments:Securities dealing and brokerage businessDur ing the Report ing Per iod, the Group hired a responsible officer for the Group’s Type 1 regulated activities under the SFO (to be approved by the Securities and Futures Commission), whom has more than 15 years of experiences in securities dealing, brokerage, margin financing, equity capital market (“ECM”) and debt capital markets. The Group also planned to recruit more suitable candidates to strengthen its sales force. The Group is conducting brand re-building for the securities dealing and brokerage business entity to attract new clients.Placing and underwriting businessCurrently, the Company is proactively identifying suitable candidates who could help the Group to gain access to the network of the ECM, so that it will capture all types of opportunities as they arise. As it is generally expected that the capital market will pick up in the second half of 2023, with such effort, the Group believes it will be able to secure more roles in the placing and underwriting business, thereby improving its financial performance.20PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023貸款及保證金融資及財務借貸業務本公司將繼續通過其證券交易和經紀業務下的現有客戶、股票資本市場網絡拓展該業務,並將探索與其他服務供應商的合作(例如房地產經紀人作為按揭貸款的推薦人)。






    Loan and margin financing and money lending businessThe Company will continue to expand this business through the existing clients under its securities dealing and brokerage business, its ECM network and will explore cooperation with other service provider, such as real estate agents as referrers for mortgage loans. In order to manage the credit and default risk in connection with this business, the Company has also implemented stringent internal controls and risk assessment in screening its customers, and will ensure collaterals provided by them would be sufficient to cover the underlying loans to minimize its loss in case of default.Supply chain financingThe Group commenced its supply chain financing business in the first quarter of financial year 2022/2023. This business is currently led by Ms. Hsieh Ching Chun, an executive Director who has over 20 years of experience in the wholesale trading and distribution of telecommunications electronic products. With the additional funds avai lable to the Group through external financing, and together with the sales team’s extensive network to 3C products market, the Company expects that the revenue in supply chain financing will gradually increase. To manage the credit and default risk in connection with the supply chain financing, the Company has implemented stringent internal controls and risk assessment in screening its customers.21PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告資產管理業務本集團正在建立運營外部資產管理人業務所需的合適系統,旨在為高淨值客戶提供信託服務,並為其客戶提供創新的在線服務平台,以監控其信託下的資產。







    詳情載列如下:(i)本集團來自證券交易及經紀服務的佣金收入由相應期間約355,000港元減少約49.3%至報告期間約180,000港元;Asset Management BusinessThe Group is in the process of setting up a suitable system necessary to operate its EAM business, targeting to provide trust services to high net worth clients and innovative online service platform to its clients in monitoring their assets under the trust. The Company has already signed EAM agreements with two financial institutions to distribute their financial products. Through these EAM agreements, the Group will have more investment products which may better suit its clients’ investment objectives while fees and commissions will be earned by the Group through these collaborations. The Company will continue to identify more partners including without limitation to financial institutions, family offices in China, insurance agents and companies, insurance broker firms, immigration agents and companies and accounting firms for future collaborations. The Group also intends to tap into a new trust business and is expected to obtain the trust service provider license very soon.The Company will continue to increase its revenue and profit level so as to maximize returns for its shareholders.FINANCIALREVIEWRevenueThe Group recorded a tota l revenue for the Repo r t i ng Pe r i od o f app rox ima te l y HK$5,514,000, representing an increase of approximately 246.4% from approximately HK$1,592,000 for the Corresponding Period. Details are stated as below:(i) The Group’s commission income from securities dealing and brokerage services decreased by approx imate ly 49.3% from approximately HK$355,000 in the Corresponding Period to approximately HK$180,000 in the Reporting Period;22PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023(ii)本集團於報告期間的配售及包銷活動產生收費及佣金收入約345,000港元(相應期間:零港元);(iii)本集團來自貸款融資、保證金融資及財務借貸服務的利息收入由相應期間約1,142,000港元增加約156.8%至報告期間約2,933,000港元;(iv)於報告期間,本集團並無錄得任何來自資產管理服務的收費收入,乃由於本集團並無資產管理客戶(相應期間:零港元及無);(v)本集團於報告期間錄得供應鏈融資的利息收入及服務費增加約1,784,000港元,約為1,817,000港元(相應期間:約33,000港元);(vi)本集團於報告期間並未錄得任何諮詢費收入(相應期間:零港元);及(vii)其他收益由相應期間約62,000港元增加約285.5%至報告期間約239,000港元。


    (ii) The Group generated fee and commission income from placing and underwriting activities of approximately HK$345,000 in the Reporting Period (Corresponding Period: HK$Nil);(iii) The Group ’s interest income f rom loan financing, margin financing and money lending services increased by approximately 156.8% from approximately HK$1,142,000 in the Corresponding Period to approximately HK$2,933,000 in the Reporting Period;(iv) The Group did not record any fee income from asset management services for the Reporting Period as the Group had no asset management clients (Corresponding Period: HK$Nil and Nil);(v) The Group’s interest income and service fees from supply chain financing increased by approximately HK$1,784,000 and amounted to approximately HK$1,817,000 for the Reporting Period (Corresponding Period: approximately HK$33,000);(vi) The Group did not record any advisory fee income for the Reporting Period (Corresponding Period: HK$Nil); and(vii) Other revenue increased by approximately 285.5% from approximately HK$62,000 f o r t h e C o r r e s p o n d i n g P e r i o d t o approx imate l y HK$239,000 fo r the Reporting Period.Staff CostThe Group’s staff cost (including staff salaries, Directors’ emoluments and contribution to Mandatory Provident Fund) decreased by approx imate ly 3.7% f rom approx imate ly HK$1,982,000 for the Corresponding Period to HK$1,909,000 for the Reporting Period.23PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告其他經營開支本集團的其他經營開支主要包括法律及專業費用、業務招待開支、辦公室租金及差餉、軟件及金融市場資訊費用開支以及多項雜項辦公室開支。


    本期間溢利本期間的溢利約為872,000港元,較相應期間虧損約3,896,000港元由虧轉盈,乃主要歸因於( i )保證金融資服務的利息收入大幅增加約1,766,000港元;(ii)供應鏈融資的利息收入及服務費用較相應期間大幅增加約1,784,000港元;(iii)本集團已於報告期間自配售及包銷服務錄得收費收入約345,000港元;及(iv)於報告期間並無與人民幣銀行存款有關的外匯虧損,而本集團於相應期間錄得有關外匯虧損約1,279,000港元。

    Other Operating ExpensesThe G roup ’s o the r ope r a t i ng e xpen se s primarily consist of legal and professional fees, entertainment expenses, office rent and rates, software and stock information expenses and various miscellaneous office expenses. Total other operating expenses for the Reporting Period was approximately HK$1,771,000 (Corresponding Period: approximately HK$2,935,000) and the breakdown is disclosed in note 8 to the financial statements contained in this report.Profit for the PeriodProf i t for the per iod was approx imate ly HK$872,000, represent ing a turnaround from loss to profit when comparing to the loss of approximately HK$3,896,000 for the Corresponding Per iod, which was mainly attributed to (i) the significant increase of approximately HK$1,766,000 in interest income from margin financing services; (ii) the substantial increase of approx imate ly HK$1,784,000 in interest income and services fees from supply chain financing when compared to the Corresponding Period; (iii) the Group recorded fees income from placing and underwriting services of approximately HK$345,000 during the Reporting Period; and (iv) the absence of the foreign exchange loss relating to Renminbi bank deposit during the Reporting Period while such exchange loss recorded by the Group in the Corresponding Period amounted to approximately HK$1,279,000.24PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023流動資金、財務資源及資本架構於報告期間,本集團主要以內部資源及本公司控股股東提供的貸款融資為其營運撥資。







    LIQUIDITY, FINANCIALRESOURCES ANDCAPITALSTRUCTUREDuring the Reporting Period, the Group mainly financed its operations by internal resources and a loan facility provided by the Company’s controlling shareholder. As at 30 June 2023, the Group had net current assets of approximately HK$130,098,000 (31 March 2023: approximately HK$135,396,000), including cash and cash equivalents of approximately HK$22,026,000 excluding cash held on behalf of customers (31 March 2023: approximately HK$36,617,000).The current ratio, being the ratio of current assets to current liabilities, was approximately 3.7 times as at 30 June 2023 (31 March 2023: 3.6 times).The capital of the Company comprises only ordinary shares. Total equity attr ibutable to owners of the Company amounted to approx imate ly HK$144,693,000 as at 30 June 2023 (31 March 2023: approximately HK$143,820,000).EMPLOYEEINFORMATIONAs at 30 June 2023, the Group had 19 (31 March 2023: 20) employees, including the Directors. Total staff costs (including staff salaries, Directors’ emoluments and contribution to Mandatory Provident Fund) for the Reporting Per iod were approximately HK$1,909,000 ( C o r r e s p o n d i n g P e r i o d : a p p ro x i m a t e l y HK$1,982,000).25PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告附屬公司、聯營公司或合營企業的重大收購事項或出售事項於報告期間並無任何有關附屬公司、聯營公司或合營企業的重大收購事項或出售事項。





    MATERIALACQUISITIONSOR DISPOSALSOFSUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATESORJOINTVENTURESThere was no material acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures during the Reporting Period.UPDATEONLISTINGSTATUSOn 7 December 2022, the Listing Division of the Stock Exchange made a decision that the Company had failed to maintain a sufficient level of operations and assets of sufficient value to support its operations as required under Rule 17.26 of the GEMListing Rules to warrant the continued listing of its Shares (the “Decision”). The Company made applications to the Listing Committee and subsequently to the Listing Review Committee (the “LRC”) for a review of the Decision, but the Decision was upheld by both the Listing Committee and the LRC. As such, trading in the Shares has been suspended since 29 June 2023. The Stock Exchange issued resumption guidance to the Company on 21 July 2023, stating that the Company shall demonstrate the Company’s compliance with Rule 17.26 of the GEMListing Rules, inform the market of all material information for the Company’s shareholders and investors to appraise the Company’s position, remedy the issues causing its trading suspension and fully comply with the GEMListing Rules to the Stock Exchange’s satisfaction before trading in its Shares is allowed to resume by 28 June 2024.26PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023儘管本公司未能向上市委員會及上市覆核委員會證明,本公司已按GEM上市規則第17.26條的規定於開展業務時維持足夠的業務運作及資產以支持其營運以保證股份可繼續上市,但上市覆核委員會注意到,本公司為改善業務及實現正現金流狀況所作出的努力及誠意。





    Although the Company failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Listing Committee and the LRC that the Company carried out its business with a sufficient level of operations and assets of sufficient value to support its operations so as to warrant the continued listing of the Shares under Rule 17.26 of the GEMListing Rules, the LRC noted the efforts and sincerity with which the Company had taken steps to improve its business and achieve a cashflow-positive position. The LRC was of the view that the Company was working towards achieving compliance with Rule 17.26 of the GEMListing Rules. Meanwhile, the Company considers the resumption of trading in its Shares as its primary objective. Management of the Company will continue to be fully committed to improving its business performance and development as stated in the section headed “Prospects” in this report, and is confident that the Company will be able to fulfil the resumption guidance and fully comply with the GEMListing Rules to the satisfaction of Stock Exchange and resume trading in its Shares on the Stock Exchange.Further details are set out in the announcements of the Company dated 7 December 2022,15 December 2022,14 March 2023,22 March 2023,28 June 2023 and 21 July 2023.27PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告外匯風險本集團的營業額及經營成本主要以港元計值。




    給予某實體的貸款誠如本公司日期為二零二二年十一月十一日、二零二二年十一月十七日、二零二二年十一月二十三日及二零二三年一月四日的公告所披露,作為貸方之一的本公司的間接全資附屬公司PFSL(「貸方A」)與:( i)作為另一貸方的本公司控股股東的一間直接全資附屬公司(「貸方B」,連同貸方A統稱(「該等貸方」));(ii)一名獨立第三方(作為借方「借方」);及(iii)兩名獨立第三方(作為擔保人)(「該等擔保人」)訂立融資協議(「融資協議」),據此,該等貸方同意向借方授出一項金額最高為90,000,000港元(貸方A授出46,000,000港元及貸方B授出44,000,000港元)的有抵押貸款融資(「融資」)。

    融資協議的主要條款載列如下:FOREIGNEXCHANGERISKThe turnover and operation costs of the Group were principally denominated in Hong Kong dollars. The Group currently does not have a policy on hedges of foreign exchange risk. However, the Group will closely monitor the fluctuations in exchange rates and will consider to employ financial instrument for hedging should the needs arise.CONTINGENTLIABILITIESThe Group had no signif icant contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2023 (31 March 2023: nil).ADVANCETOANENTITYAs disclosed in the announcements of the Company dated 11 November 2022,17 November 2022,23 November 2022 and 4 January 2023, PFSL, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, as one of the lenders (“Lender A”), entered into the facility agreement (the “Facility Agreement”) with: (i) a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of the controlling shareholder of the Company, as another lender (“Lender B”, together with Lender A, the “Lenders”); (ii) an independent third party, as the borrower (the “Borrower”); and (ii i) two independent third parties, as guarantors (the “Guarantors”), pursuant to which, the Lenders have agreed to grant a secured loan facility (“Facility”) in an amount of up to HK$90,000,000 (HK$46,000,000 by Lender A and HK$44,000,000 by Lender B) to the Borrower. Set out below are the principal terms of the Facility Agreement:28PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023日期:二零二二年十一月十一日標的事項:該等貸方同意向借方提供金額最高為90,000,000港元(貸方A授出46,000,000港元及貸方B授出44,000,000港元)的融資。





    Date : 11 November 2022Subject matter : T h e L e n d e r s a g r e e d to p rov ide the Fac i l i t y u p t o HK $ 90,000,000 to the Borrower (as to HK$46,000,000 by Lender A and HK$44,000,000 by Lender B).Term : One year from the date on which the Facility was made, or an earlier date as determined by Lender A subject to its semi-annually review on the Facility.Interest : The Fac i l i t y sha l l bea r interest at a rate of 18% per annum, which shall be payable on a monthly basis.Arrangement Fee : HK$1,800,000, representing 2% of the principal amount of the Facility.Purpose : The Facility shall be used by the Borrower to repay the outstanding principal amount (but not interest) of the margin facility of the Borrower maintained with a securities house in Hong Kong.29PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告償還款項:融資之本金額及任何未繳付之應計利息應於融資的期限屆滿時悉數償還。

    自願預付款項:借方亦可於有關建議預付款日期前至少二十( 20 )個營業日書面通知貸方A,以(全數或部分)預付融資,最低金額為5,000,000港元及5,000,000港元的完整倍數。


    Repayment : The principal amount of the Facility and any accrued unpaid interest shal l be repayab le i n fu l l upon expiration of the term of the Facility.Voluntary prepayment: The Borrower may a lso prepay the Facility in full or in part, in a minimum amount of HK$5,000,000 and an integral multiple of HK$5,000,000, by notifying Lender A in writing at least twenty (20) business days prior to the proposed date of such prepayment . I f the proposed date of any prepayment is within six months from the date on which the Facility is to be made, the Borrower shall be liable to pay all interest on the Facility to be prepaid for six months (to the extent that the Borrower has not already paid such interest).30PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023股份押記:為換取該等貸方向借方授予融資,借方持有的586,500,000股維力生活科技有限公司(前稱首灃控股有限公司)(股份代號:1703)(「公司A」)的股份(「上市公司股份」)(佔公司A已發行股份總數的51%)作為抵押品抵押予該等貸方(「股份押記」)。




    Share Charge : In exchange for the grant of Facility to the Borrower by the Lenders,586,500,000 shares (“Listco Shares”) o f W e l i f e Te c h n o l o g y Limited (formerly known as Palace Banquet Holdings L i m i t e d ) ( s t o c k c o d e : 1703) (“Company A”) , representing 51% of the t o t a l i s s u e d s h a re s o f Company A, held by the Borrower were pledged to the Lenders as collateral (the “Share Charge”).For the avoidance of doubt, save for the arrangement fee paid by the Borrower to Lender A in the amount of HK$1,800,000, Lender A and Lender B should share the loan upon drawdown of the Facility, the pledged Listco Shares and their sale proceeds (if materialised) and other fee and interest on pro-rata basis. The Facility has been fully drawdown by the Borrower on 30 November 2022.Save as disclosed above, subsequent to 30 June 2023 and up to the date of approval of this report, the Group had no other circumstances which would give rise to a disclosure obligation under rules 17.22 to 17.24 of the GEMListing Rules.31PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告報告期後事件茲提述上文「給予某實體的貸款」一節及本公司日期為二零二三年八月九日之公告。







    EVENTAFTERTHEREPORTING PERIODReference is made to the section headed “Advance to an Ent i t y” above and the announcement of the Company dated 9 August 2023. The Borrower failed to repay the monthly interest and other monies payable since March 2023 and still fails to do so up to the date of approval of this report. Lender A, being the facility agent (the “Facility Agent”) under the Facility Agreement, has sought legal advice and issued demand letters to the Borrower and the Guarantors to recover the Facility. On 8 August 2023, the Facility Agent has appointed receivers over the Listco Shares in the Share Charge to protect the interest of Lenders and to recover the outstanding loans. Details of the action for recovery are set out in the announcement of the Company dated 9 August 2023.As the recovery process is underway, the Company will continue to evaluate the recovery progress from time to time and assess the financial impact of the Facility on the Group, which may provide pressure on the Group’s profitability in the coming months.Save as disclosed above, there was no significant event relevant to the business or financial performance of the Group after the Reporting Period that came to the attention of the Directors.32PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023其他資料董事及主要行政人員於本公司及其相聯法團的股份、相關股份及債權證的權益及淡倉於二零二三年六月三十日,董事及本公司主要行政人員(「主要行政人員」)各自於本公司或任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部)的股份、相關股份及債權證中,擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及8分部已知會本公司及聯交所的權益及淡倉(包括根據證券及期貨條例有關條文被當作或視為擁有的權益及淡倉);或根據證券及期貨條例第352條已記入本公司存置的登記冊的權益及淡倉;或根據GEM上市規則第5.46條至第5.67條已另行知會本公司及聯交所的權益及淡倉如下:OTHERINFORMATIONDIRECTORS’ ANDCHIEF EXECUTIVES’ INTERESTSAND SHORTPOSITIONSINTHE SHARES, UNDERLYINGSHARES ANDDEBENTURESOFTHE COMPANYANDITSASSOCIATED CORPORATIONSAs at 30 June 2023, the interests and short positions in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company or any associated corporation (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) held by the Directors and chief execut ives of the Company ( the “Chief Executives”) which were notif ied to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO) or were recorded in the register maintained by the Company pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to rules 5.46 to 5.67 of the GEMListing Rules were as follows:33PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告於本公司每股面值0.01港元的普通股中的好倉附註:機穎投資的已發行股本分別由霍先生及謝女士實益擁有30%及70%。




    Long position in ordinary shares of HK$0.01 each of the CompanyName of DirectorCapacity/Nature of interestNumber of shares heldApproximate percentage of shareholding董事姓名身份╱權益性質所持股份數目股權概約百分比Mr. Fok Yuk Tong (“Mr. Fok”) (Note)Interest of controlled corporation1,199,640,00059.98霍玉堂先生(「霍先生」)(附註)受控法團權益Ms. Hsieh Ching Chun (“Ms. Hsieh”) (Note)Interest of controlled corporation1,199,640,00059.98謝青純女士(「謝女士」)(附註)受控法團權益Ms. Fok Kit Yee Beneficial interest 360,0000.02霍潔儀女士實益權益Note:The issued share capital of CWIL is beneficially owned as to 30% by Mr. Fok and 70% by Ms. Hsieh respectively. Mr. Fok is the spouse of Ms. Hsieh. Therefore, Mr. Fok and Ms. Hsieh are deemed to be interested in the 1,199,640,000 Shares held by CWIL by virtue of the SFO.Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2023, none of the Directors or Chief Executives had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which were notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO) or were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be entered in the register referred to therein, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to rules 5.46 to 5.67 of the GEMListing Rules.34PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023主要股東及其他人士於本公司股份及相關股份的權益及淡倉據董事及主要行政人員所知,於二零二三年六月三十日,除董事及主要行政人員外,下列人士╱公司擁有或被視為或當作擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及3分部的條文須向本公司及聯交所披露的股份或相關股份的權益及╱或淡倉,或根據證券及期貨條例第336條規定已記入本公司須存置的登記冊的權益及╱或淡倉,或直接或間接擁有附帶權利可於所有情況下在本公司或本集團任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票的任何類別股本面值5%或以上權益:SUBSTANTIALSHAREHOLDERS’ ANDOTHERPERSONS’ INTERESTS ANDSHORTPOSITIONSINTHE SHARESANDUNDERLYINGSHARES OFTHECOMPANYSo far as the Directors and the Chief Executives were aware, as at 30 June 2023, other than the Directors and the Chief Executives, the following persons/corporations had or were deemed or taken to have an interest and/or short position in the Shares or the underlying Shares which would fall to be disclosed to the Company and the Stock Exchange under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or were recorded in the register of the Company required to be kept under section 336 of the SFO, or were, directly or indirectly, interested in 5% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of the Company or any other members of the Group:35PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告於本公司每股面值0.01港元的普通股中的好倉附註:1.機穎投資的已發行股本分別由霍先生及謝女士實益擁有30%及70%。







    Long position in ordinary shares of HK$0.01 each of the CompanyNameCapacity/Nature of interestNumber of shares heldApproximate percentage of shareholding姓名╱名稱身份╱權益性質所持股份數目股權概約百分比CWIL (Note 1) Beneficial interest 1,199,640,00059.98機穎投資(附註1)實益權益Mega Wise Group Limited (“MWGL”) (Notes 2 & 3)Beneficial interest 300,000,00015.00巨智集團有限公司(「巨智」) (附註2及3)實益權益Dr. Lee Chun Pong Bruce (“Dr. Lee”) (Notes 2 & 3)Interest of controlled corporation300,000,00015.00李振邦博士(「李博士」) (附註2及3)受控法團權益Ms. Chow Nim Pui (“Ms. Chow”) (Notes 2 & 3)Interest of spouse 300,000,00015.00周念佩女士(「周女士」) (附註2及3)配偶權益Notes:1. The issued share capital of CWIL is beneficially owned as to 30% by Mr. Fok and 70% by Ms. Hsieh respectively. Mr. Fok is the spouse of Ms. Hsieh. Therefore, Mr. Fok and Ms. Hsieh are deemed to be interested in the 1,199,640,000 Shares held by CWIL by virtue of the SFO.2. MWGL is wholly-owned by Dr. Lee. Therefore, Dr. Lee is deemed to be interested in the 300,000,000 Shares held by MWGL by virtue of the SFO.3. Ms. Chow is the spouse of Dr. Lee. Therefore, Ms. Chow is deemed to be interested in the 300,000,000 Shares held by Dr. Lee through MWGL by virtue of the SFO.36PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023除上文所披露者外,於二零二三年六月三十日,董事概不知悉任何人士或公司(除董事及主要行政人員外)於股份或相關股份中擁有根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及3分部的條文須向本公司披露的任何權益或淡倉,或根據證券及期貨條例第336條規定已記入本公司須存置的登記冊的權益或淡倉。





    Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2023, the Directors were not aware of any person or corporation (other than the Directors and the Chief Executives) who had any interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company pursuant to section 336 of the SFO.SHAREOPTIONSCHEMEA share option scheme (the “Scheme”) was adopted by the shareholder of the Company and became effective on 5 December 2016. Unless otherwise cancelled or amended, the Scheme will remain in force for a period of 10 years from the date of its adoption on 5 December 2016. Subject to the terms of the Scheme, the Board shall be entitled to make an offer of the grant of an option to subscribe for the Shares to any Directors, employees of the Group, consultants or advisers of the Group, providers of goods and/or services to the Group, customers of the Group, holders of securities issued by any member of the Group, or any other person, who at the sole discretion of the Board, has contributed to the Group. Since the adoption of the Scheme and up to 30 June 2023, no share option has been granted by the Company.37PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告根據該計劃可予授出的購股權所涉及股份最高數目合共不得超過本公司於二零一六年十二月五日(以本公司當時的唯一股東於二零一六年十二月五日通過的書面決議案採納的日期)已發行股本的10%。






    The maximum number of Shares in respect of which options may be granted under the Scheme shall not in aggregate exceed 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at 5 December 2016 (the date of adoption by the written resolutions passed by the then sole shareholder of the Company on 5 December 2016). On the basis of 2,000,000,000 ordinary Shares in issue as at 5 December 2016, the maximum number of ordinary Shares available for issue under the Scheme is equivalent to 200,000,000 Shares, representing 10% of the ordinary shares in issue as at 1 April 2023,30 June 2023 and as at the date of approval of the this report.PURCHASE, SALEORREDEMPTION OFLISTEDSECURITIESOFTHE COMPANYNeither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries purchased, sold or redeemed any of the Company’s listed securities during the Reporting Period.COMPETINGINTERESTSNone o f the D i re c to r s , the con t ro l l i ng shareholders of the Company nor their respective close associates (as defined in the GEMListing Rules) had any interest in a business which competes or is likely to compete, either directly or indirectly, with the business of the Group during the Reporting Period.DIRECTORS’ SECURITIES TRANSACTIONSThe Company has adopted the requi red standard of dealings (the “Required Standard of Dealings”) set out in rules 5.48 to 5.67 of the GEMListing Rules as the code of conduct for dealing in securities of the Company by the Directors. Having made specific enquiries with all the Directors, all of them confirmed that they have complied with the Required Standard of Dealings throughout the Reporting Period.38PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023企業管治常規於報告期間,除下文所述的偏離外,本公司已遵守GEM上市規則附錄十五所載企業管治守則(「企業管治守則」)所載守則條文(「守則條文」)。

    CORPORATEGOVERNANCE PRACTICESDuring the Reporting Period, the Company has complied with the code provisions (the “Code Provision(s)”) as set out in the Corporate Governance Code (the “CGCode”) as contained in Appendix 15 to the GEMListing Rules, except for the deviations explained below.Code ProvisionReasons for the non-compliance and improvement actions took or to be taken守則條文不合規原因及已經或將會採取之改善行動C.1.8 As the Company intends to solicit a suitable insurer at reasonable commercial terms and conditions, the Company did not arrange appropriate insurance cover in respect of legal action against its Directors for the Reporting Period.第C.1.8條由於本公司擬以合理的商業條款及條件尋求合適的保險公司,於報告期間,本公司並未針對其董事的法律訴訟安排適當的保險。

    C.2.1 The Company has not appointed a chief executive officer as the role and functions of chief executive officer have been performed by all the executive Directors collectively. The Board believes that this arrangement enables the Company to make and implement decisions promptly, and thus achieve the Company’s objectives effectively and efficiently in response to the changing environment. The Board will continuously assess whether any changes are necessary.第C.2.1條本公司並無委任行政總裁,乃因行政總裁的角色及職能已由全體執行董事共同履行。



    39PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / 2023年第一季度報告Code ProvisionReasons for the non-compliance and improvement actions took or to be taken守則條文不合規原因及已經或將會採取之改善行動D.1.2 The Company has not provided all members of the Board with monthly updates to enable the Board as a whole and each Director to discharge their duties. However, the Company has based on business situation, provided to the Board on a quarterly basis, updated business information to enable the Board as a whole and each Director to discharge their duties. The Company considers that such business information arising out of the ordinary business provided to the Board from time to time instead of monthly updates are sufficient for the Board to discharge its duties. In the event there are any significant updates to be provided, the Company will update all the Directors as early as practicable for discussion and resolution. Every Director could make enquiries with the Company about the business operation of the Group and give suggestions or feedback freely.第D.1.2條本公司並無每月向董事會全體成員提供更新資料以讓董事會整體及各董事履行職責,但本公司亦按其業務情況,每季度向董事會提供更新業務資料,讓董事會整體及各董事履行職責。




    40PFGROUPHOLDINGSLIMITED / FIRSTQUARTERLYREPORT 2023審核委員會本公司已遵照GEM上市規則第5.28及5.29條成立審核委員會(「審核委員會」),並遵照企業管治守則訂明書面職權範圍。




    承董事會命PFGroup Holdings Limited主席兼執行董事霍玉堂香港,二零二三年八月十四日於本報告日期,董事會由七名董事組成,即執行董事霍玉堂先生(主席)、謝青純女士、霍潔儀女士及李浩良先生;及獨立非執行董事陳凱媛女士、唐永智先生及關子臻先生。

    AUDITCOMMITTEEThe Company has e s tab l i shed an aud i t committee ( the “Audit Committee”) in compliance with rules 5.28 and 5.29 of the GEMListing Rules and with the written terms of reference in compliance with the CGCode. The Audit Committee currently comprises three independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Tong Wing Chi (“Mr. Tong”), Ms. Chan Hoi Wuen Katherine and Mr. Kwan Tsz Chun Sun. Mr. Tong is the chairman of the Audit Committee.The Aud i t Commit tee has rev iewed the unaudited condensed consolidated results of the Group for the Reporting Period with the management of the Company and are of the opinion that such results comply with the appl icable accounting standards, the requirements under the GEMListing Rules and other applicable legal requirements and that adequate disclosures have been made.By order of the BoardPFGroup Holdings LimitedFok Yuk TongChairman and Executive DirectorHong Kong,14 August 2023As at the date of this report, the Board comprises seven Directors, namely Mr. Fok Yuk Tong (Chairman), Ms. Hsieh Ching Chun, Ms. Fok Kit Yee and Mr. Lee Ho Leung William as executive Directors; and Ms. Chan Hoi Wuen Katherine, Mr. Tong Wing Chi and Mr. Kwan Tsz Chun Sun as independent non-executive Directors. 封面 香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)GEM(「GEM」)的特色 未經審核簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 未經審核簡明綜合權益變動表 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 管理層討論及分析 其他資料 封底

